I was raised in a Christian home. At the age of four, I trusted Christ as my Savior and was baptized several years later. During my early teenage years, I often doubted that God had saved me. Through a message on 1 John 5:10, the Holy Spirit pointed out that I was calling God a liar by not trusting what He promised: “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
When I was 14 years old, the Holy Spirit used preaching to show me the need for the unsaved to hear and to accept the Gospel so they would not spend their eternity in Hell. I surrendered to do whatever God wanted me to do. The Lord made it clear the following summer that He was calling me into missions. God used several missions trips to Arizona and Mexico to further confirm that call.
I studied missions and music at Ambassador Baptist College in Lattimore, NC, and I spent one summer in Brazil as a missionary intern. Meeting in college, my wife and I married after graduation. I continued studies and finished with a Master of Sacred Theology degree in 2018. The Lord opened up the opportunity to serve as an assistant pastor at Maranatha Baptist Church in Shelby, NC. For the last five years, I have been serving here alongside Pastor Jim Davidson overseeing the music ministry and leading the youth.
The Lord has blessed us with three young girls to raise for Him.
I was blessed to have Christian parents and hear the Gospel from a young age. My parents were missionaries and I got saved when I was 5 years old. I don’t recall the exact date, but I know it was in December of 1993, because it was a highlight in my parent’s prayer letter that year. One night after church, I told my Mom I needed to be saved, and I remember clearly her walking me through the plan of salvation. Those verses, many of which I had already memorized, seemed clearer and more special that evening as she showed me them from the Bible. I trusted Jesus Christ as my Savior that night. My Mom shared with me after I prayed that the angels in Heaven were rejoicing about my salvation, and even as a 5 year old, I can remember the joy that I experienced knowing I was on my way to Heaven.
In 2001, I was 13 years old when the Lord used the ministry of Bible camp to get ahold of my heart concerning surrender. The theme that year was “Stand in the Gap” and it was about missions and the need for laborers. I went forward on the final night and told God that I would go anywhere he wanted me to go and do anything He wanted me to do. The Lord brought Stephen and me together in Bible College and it has been a privilege to serve God together. I’m thankful for the opportunity to support him in this calling. Being raised in Brazil as a missionary kid exposed me to the great needs and the wonderful rewards of ministry. I am excited to follow the Lord in this next chapter!
Beginning in January 2023, the Lord began stirring in my heart, calling us to serve Him by planting churches in Brazil. As we pursued His leading, we watched the Lord answer prayer and make His will so clear to us. Our plan is to continue on staff at Maranatha until the end of January and then to launch into deputation full-time in February 2024.
We are taking a survey trip in October-November 2023 to discern the Lord’s leading for language school and possible church plant locations.
Would you consider partnering with us to reach Brazilians for Christ?